How to Get a Book Published: A Step-by-Step Journey

Learn how to get a book published with our step-by-step guide to traditional and self-publishing, plus tips on using Dashtoon for visual storytelling.

How to Get a Book Published: A Step-by-Step Journey

"A book is a dream you hold in your hands." – Neil Gaiman.

Whether you dream of seeing your book on shelves at your local bookstore or want to learn how to get a book published on your own, the journey to becoming a published author can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Choosing between the traditional and self-publishing paths is a big decision, and each offers unique advantages and challenges. 

Today, we’ll break down the process of how to get a book published into clear, manageable steps so you can decide which route best suits your goals.

How to Get a Book Published Through Traditional Publishing

The traditional path may seem like the classic route to literary success when you're learning how to get a book published, and for good reason. Major publishing houses offer unparalleled distribution, professional editing, and access to industry resources that can turn your book into a bestseller. However, the road to traditional publishing isn’t without its challenges. 

From finding a literary agent to navigating lengthy submission processes, this route requires patience, persistence, and a strong understanding of the publishing landscape. But if you're ready to hand off some control in exchange for professional backing, this path might be for you. 

Let’s dive into the step-by-step breakdown of how to get started.

Finish Your Manuscript

In traditional publishing, your manuscript isn’t just your passion project—it’s your ticket to attracting agents and publishers. For fiction authors, a fully completed manuscript is essential, while nonfiction writers often work with a well-crafted proposal outlining their book’s scope and market potential.

Why it matters: Agents and publishers want a polished product. They’re not interested in half-done drafts or rough ideas—they want to see the final product or a well-structured plan, especially for nonfiction.

Seek Feedback and Revise

No matter how perfect you think your manuscript is, it can always benefit from fresh eyes. Beta readers, critique groups, or even hiring a professional editor can provide you with valuable feedback. Multiple rounds of revisions ensure your work is as strong as it can be before you submit it to agents.

Tip: Take the time to absorb feedback and revise thoughtfully. Don't rush through this part—it could make or break your chances of getting noticed.

Identify and Research Literary Agents

Snippet of the QueryTracker Website. 

A literary agent is your best bet for breaking into the traditional publishing world. They serve as the bridge between you and potential publishers, advocating for your work and negotiating the best deals. You’ll need to research agents who specialize in your genre—after all, you wouldn’t pitch a fantasy epic to someone who focuses on cookbooks.

Resources: Query Tracker, Publishers Marketplace, and Writer’s Digest Books are goldmines for finding agents that match your needs.

Prepare Your Submission Materials

Agents don’t just need your manuscript; they also require specific submission materials. This typically includes a query letter, a concise and compelling synopsis, and sample chapters. Each agent may have unique requirements, so it’s important to tailor your submissions.

Pro tip: Personalize each query letter, showing the agent you’ve done your homework on them and why you believe they are a perfect fit for your book.

Submit Your Queries

Don’t expect to land the first agent you query—rejections are part of the process. Submit to multiple agents simultaneously (but follow each agent's guidelines carefully), track submissions, and brace yourself for possible rejection. Use feedback, if any is offered, to strengthen your queries.

Key strategy: Stay organized! Tracking your queries helps you avoid submitting to the same agent multiple times or, worse, missing a response.

Collaborate with Your Agent

Once you’ve secured an agent, it’s time to polish your manuscript even further for submission to publishers. This may involve additional revisions or edits, but your agent will guide you through every step. Collaboration is key here.

Pro tip: Keep communication open and maintain a clear understanding of the submission process. Always remember that your agent is your ally!

Receive a Book Deal

Your agent will now pitch your manuscript to editors at publishing houses. This is where the magic (hopefully) happens! If there’s interest, you'll start receiving offers. Your agent will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible deal.

Choosing the traditional publishing path is often seen as the gold standard in the literary world, but it’s not without its complexities. From finishing your manuscript to collaborating with agents, each step requires diligence and patience. While traditional publishing offers the allure of professional backing, distribution, and resources, it also demands a significant commitment to navigating the submission process. 

If you’re wondering how to get a book published and are ready to relinquish some control in exchange for industry expertise, this path could lead you to the success you've been dreaming of. With the right guidance and perseverance, your manuscript could find its home on bookstore shelves everywhere.

How to Get a Book Published Through Self-Publishing

If you’re curious about how to get a book published with complete control—from content to design to sales—self-publishing might be the route for you. Here, the power lies in your hands, but with great power comes great responsibility (thank you, Spider-Man).

It’s your chance to be the master of your book’s destiny. 

Let’s explore the key steps involved in self-publishing so you can confidently navigate this path and make your literary vision a reality.

Finish and Revise Your Manuscript

Just like traditional publishing, the self-publishing path begins with a polished manuscript. However, in self-publishing, there’s no publisher-assigned editor to refine your work for you, so it’s entirely up to you to ensure your book is as close to perfect as possible before publishing.

Pro tip: Even though you don't have an editor assigned to you, self-publishing doesn’t mean “self-editing.” Investing in a good editor or even asking beta readers for feedback can make your work shine.

Hire Professional Help (Optional)

To compete with traditionally published books, it’s worth considering some professional help. Editors, proofreaders, and cover designers can make a massive difference in the final product. You don’t want to skip this step if you aim for a professional-looking book.

Remember: Readers do judge books by their covers (and their contents). First impressions matter, so ensure every aspect of your book reflects quality.

Choose a Publishing Platform

Snippet of the KDP Website.

Choosing the right platform is a critical step in self-publishing. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), IngramSpark, and others provide the tools needed to publish and distribute your book worldwide. Each platform offers unique benefits, so take your time to research which is best for your goals.

Tip: Amazon KDP is popular for its vast reach and ease of use, but IngramSpark offers broader distribution to bookstores. Think about where and how you want your book to be sold.

Format Your Book

Formatting is an often overlooked but essential step. Whether your book is for eBook or print, it needs to be formatted correctly to meet platform requirements and provide readers with a smooth reading experience.

Why it matters: Poor formatting can distract readers from your story, leaving them frustrated. Professional formatting software or services can help you avoid common pitfalls.

Create a Cover Design

Image Source: artAIstry

Your cover is the first thing potential readers will see, so it needs to be eye-catching and genre-appropriate. Whether you design it yourself or hire a professional, make sure it stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Tip: Browse bestsellers in your genre to get a feel for cover trends. This can help guide your decisions when designing or commissioning your cover.

Upload Your Manuscript and Set Pricing

Once your manuscript is ready and your cover is designed, it's time to upload everything to your chosen platform. This is also when you’ll set your book’s price. Make sure to consider your profit margins while keeping your price competitive.

Insight: Pricing too high might drive readers away, but pricing too low can hurt your profits. Research pricing trends in your genre to strike the right balance.

Promote and Market Your Book

Snippet of Amazon Ads Website.

Now that your book is available to the world, it’s time to get people to notice it! Use social media, email marketing, and promotional tools like Amazon Ads to reach potential readers. Self-publishing requires self-promotion, so don’t be shy about spreading the word.

Pro tip: To build excitement ahead of your release, create a marketing plan. This can include a pre-launch email list, cover reveals, or even ads on platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Self-publishing offers unmatched creative freedom, but with that freedom comes the responsibility of managing every stage of the process—from polishing your manuscript to marketing your book. If you're willing to invest the time, effort, and resources, this route can be incredibly rewarding, putting you in complete control of your literary career. Every decision is in your hands, and the potential for success is limitless. So, if you’re ready to take the reins and bring your story to life, self-publishing could be your perfect fit.

How to Get a Book Published with Dashtoon

Snippet of the Dashtoon Authors’ Program.

Regardless of whether you choose traditional or self-publishing, Dashtoon helps you with how to get a book published by offering unique tools for storytellers—especially those looking to explore the comic and graphic novel world. While both publishing paths focus on the written word, Dashtoon elevates your stories through visual storytelling

Whether you’re a comic book enthusiast or an aspiring manga or manhwa artist, Dashtoon provides tools that help transform your ideas into a visual masterpiece, allowing you to break into the fast-growing world of digital comics.

Why Dashtoon?

  1. Creative Freedom: Similar to self-publishing, Dashtoon puts full creative control in your hands. You decide how your characters look, how the story flows, and how it’s ultimately presented to your audience.
  2. Easy to Use: Whether you’re an established artist or someone just starting, Dashtoon’s intuitive platform makes it simple to bring your vision to life, offering tools to help even beginners create stunning visuals.
  3. Global Reach: Just as self-publishing offers the potential for worldwide distribution, Dashtoon allows your comics to reach an international audience. Showcase your work to a growing community of readers across genres like manga, manhwa, or even your unique comic creation.
  4. Support for All Creatives: Dashtoon bridges the gap between storytelling and artistry with resources for both writers and illustrators. Collaborators can use the platform to connect and create stories that blend narrative with compelling artwork.
  5. Free to Use: Dashtoon offers all these features without any cost to you. That's right—it's completely free to use! This means you can focus on your creativity and storytelling without worrying about upfront fees or subscription costs.

Dashtoon gives you the chance to expand your horizons. As a creator, you’re not limited to one path. Explore the possibilities of blending words with visuals, and let your creativity thrive on a global platform. Ready to bring your story to life in a whole new way? Dashtoon awaits your masterpiece!

Which Path Suits You?

The process of how to get a book published differs significantly between traditional and self-publishing, but both offer their own rewards. Traditional publishing provides the backing of established industry professionals, while self-publishing allows for complete creative and financial control. Regardless of your chosen path, each offers the fulfillment of seeing your words in print and reaching readers who will appreciate your work.

Feeling inspired to take the next step? Whether you go the traditional route or dive into self-publishing, Dashtoon can help bring your unique stories to life. From visual storytelling tools for comic lovers to the ability to showcase your work on a global platform, Dashtoon offers aspiring authors a space to thrive.

Your story is waiting—how will you tell it?


Q. What are some advantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing?

A. Self-publishing offers complete control over your book’s content, design, and pricing. You can publish on your timeline without waiting for a publisher’s schedule and keep a larger share of the profits. It also allows you to explore niche markets or unique formats that traditional publishers might overlook.

Q. How do I determine if self-publishing is right for me? 

A. Evaluate your goals, skills, and resources. Self-publishing is ideal if you want creative control and are prepared to handle or outsource tasks like editing, design, and marketing. If you prefer to focus solely on writing and are willing to trade some control for professional support, traditional publishing might be a better fit.

Q. What are some effective strategies for marketing a self-published book? 

A. Build an online presence through social media and author websites, engage with potential readers through email newsletters, and consider using platforms like Goodreads or BookBub for promotions. Utilizing paid advertising, joining book review sites, and participating in virtual book tours can also help increase visibility.

Q. What should I include in a query letter to attract literary agents? 

A. Your query letter should include a compelling hook, a book summary, a brief author bio highlighting relevant credentials or writing experience, and a description of your book’s market potential. Tailor each letter to the specific agent, showing why your book is a good fit for their interests.

Q. How can I protect my rights as a self-published author? 

A. Register your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office to legally protect your work. Consider using contracts for any collaborations or services you hire, and be cautious when entering agreements with publishing platforms or distributors to ensure you retain the rights you need.

Q. How can Dashtoon assist with visual storytelling in my book? 

A. Dashtoon is designed for creators of comics and graphic novels, offering tools to develop visual narratives. It provides a platform for both writers and artists to collaborate and showcase their work. Dashtoon’s resources can help you create professional-quality visuals, even if you’re new to comic creation. Moreover, Dashtoon is entirely free to use.